Cara Weaver’s Most Nutritious Meal & Snack Ideas [Updated for 2022]


When I’m at a Mexican restaurant eating chips and salsa, guac, and/or queso (usually all three), there is no such thing as portion control. Instead, I exercise Cantina Control and only go to Mexi restos when I’m okay with a binge-fest because it’s always inevitable.  But that’s just me. As for who CAN control herself, … Read more

Q&A: Cara Weaver


You know those girls who are super fit and hot, and on top of that, they’re holding down an awesome job AND a family, and on top of THAT, they’re actually genuine, nice, and fun? It’s like, are you human? Well get ready to meet one in real life: Cara Weaver, Witty + Pretty’s newest … Read more

New Year’s Resolutions That Aren’t Stupid [2022 List]


New Year’s resolutions. What a disaster. Now I know some of you losers fine folks actually love New Year’s resolutions and some of you loathe them, but let’s all agree they NEVER WORK. Show me the bastard who sets decent resolutions and keeps them a full year. It has never happened in the history of humans. … Read more

About This Whole Aziz Thing…


I will admit that I read the victim blaming/shaming Atlantic article before I read the full expose about Aziz Ansari and his accuser “Grace,” and was livid. One particular sentence — “Apparently there is a whole country full of young women who don’t know how to call a cab” — particularly enraged me for … Read more

Hardcore Food Porn in 12 Photos

Put on some slow jams, grab your lotion/lube (or whatever), and get ready for a whole lotta’ lust. It comes courtesy of a friend who I both love and hate because she posts pictures that make me hate my life since I’m not eating what’s she’s eating, force me to lick my computer screen (not … Read more

Five Things That Are Totally Acceptable

If you’ve done any or all of the things below (like I have in the past week), we should be friends. Some things…you should never be ashamed of. It’s totally acceptable if… 1. You get legitimately pissed off (like, could slap a stranger on the street) and consider marching right back into the nail salon … Read more

Jewelry Porn: Pieces From The Necklace Whisperer

When I met Lisa George of L George Designs, I tried on every single piece of jewelry in her entire collection (go hard or go home) and was floored by how incredible they all were. She has a gift for making badass, statement pieces that are totally comfortable and lay perfectly on your neck. I … Read more

Printed Palazzo Pants [2022 Summer Obsession]


I saw these Flying Tomato palazzo pants on South Moon Under’s site months ago (yes, I drooled on my keyboard) and finally got them. They were everything I hoped they’d be and more. See? They even make babies happy. (Not my child, btw.) These lovelies are currently on sale for $50 (!!!), but there’s only … Read more

Walmart Beauty Haul: 10 Products for $80


Guess what, y’all? I packed up the ol’ pickup truck and went to Walmart AGAIN to stock up on beauty products. JK, I don’t have a pickup truck, but Jimmy Fallon does, therefore I want one. I digress. This time at Walmart, I snagged TEN things for under $80, and had to come home, dump them … Read more

What Real Women Really Think About ‘Push Presents’

Oh, the push present. Chances are, you either just smiled fondly at the thought of (or looked down at) your very own, exaggeratedly rolled your eyes and/or gagged, or wondered WTF this thing is. For you latter folks, I’ll let Wiki inform you: A push present (also known as a push gift, baby mama gift or baby bauble) is a present a father … Read more