Vodka and Me: A Love Story

vodka-8443342Vodka is my soulmate.

We met in high school and fell in love immediately (although we were a lot less classy back then and he sometimes went by the name of “Popov”). We were on-and-off-again throughout college, all the while continuing to mature, although we’d occasionally have late-night fights where I’d end up crying, throwing up, and skipping class the next morning because of it. Like any young couple in love, my parents were worried he was a bad influence on me, but I assured them that NO, my soulmate made me a better person. I cheated on him here and there with attractive, popular fellas like Captain Morgan, Jager Meister, and Jim Beam, but after we hooked up, I would feel sick the next morning, so I’d cut them loose and go back to you-know-who. Nowadays, we’re pretty exclusive, but he doesn’t even mind when I get wine-drunk with the girls or hook up with a Mexican every once in a while. I think we’re going to make it.

Today is National Vodka Day (!!!), so in honor of my soulmate’s special occasion, I’m sharing a few recipes the inspirational women behind Vixen Vodka have created (but I took the liberty of renaming them). If you’re not familiar with Vixen, get to know this smooth, top-shelf (but affordable) vodka created by three rad, lovely ladies here in Georgia. #GirlPower.

(If you’re not in Georgia and can’t snag yourself a Vixen bottle, substitute another vodka for now and know the sassy liquor will hopefully be coming to you soon…)

How ‘Bout Them (Cinnamon) Apples?
Mix 2 oz. Vixen Vodka, 1 oz. apple pie/apple cinnamon moonshine, and 2 oz. apple juice. Garnish with a cinnamon stick and graham cracker rim (if you fancy like that).


Grownup Cherry CokeMix 2 oz. Vixen Vodka, 2 oz. Coca-Cola (or Coke Zero), and 1/2 oz. grenadine. Garnish with cherries and a sugar rim.


The PinkberryMix 2 oz. Vixen Vodka, 1/2 oz. red cranberry juice, 1/2 oz. raspberry lemonade, and 1/2 oz. berry-flavored LaCroix.


Tickle My PickleMix 2 oz. Vixen Vodka, 1 oz. pickle juice (Vixens prefer Claussen), and a splash of Vermouth. Shake with ice and serve in a martini glass. Garnish with hot pickled okra, olives, or a pickle (or all of the above).


Simple + SkinnyMix equal parts Vixen Vodka and lemon LaCroix (0 calories). Garnish with thyme or basil. Use the Witty + Pretty fruit ice cubes for extra flair and flavor.


I hope you’re lucky enough to have found your soulmate and consider celebrating with one of these cocktails (or all five). Cheers to true love!
