The Most Convenient (or Inconvenient) Vibrator Ever

I love sex toys.

Whoa, that was aggressive. Let me rephrase: I think sexual enhancers play a healthy role in any woman’s relationship with herself and her significant other. And there’s nothing more exciting than shopping for them with your girls at a Pure Romance party.

At Kate’s and my second annual “Batteries Not Included” soiree a couple months ago, our amazing Pure Romance consultant, Annette White, handed me this little nugget at the end of night and said, “I know you’re on your computer all the time so I thought you might like this.”

usb_l-4751030Three things:
1. Yes, that’s a USB plug.
2. Was she trying to say I’m a loser who can’t even break away from Facebook work for some private time? Kate thought so.
3. I forgot about the whole exchange (due to the “Slutty Sangria”) and was reminded when I reached into my purse at brunch the next morning. Talk about…an appetizer.

Now, about this USB bullet. Without going into detail (because my family reads this), it’s the best vibrator I’ve ever owned, and that includes the $80 “limited edition,” dual action, three-speed rabbit I purchased on my 26th birthday (again, I was over served). Plus, is it not the cutest thing ever? But there’s just one issue with the USB bullet: THE USB.

I mean, do you really want to sit at your desk or bring your computer to bed every time you, well, you know? Because I sure don’t. But then again, if you’re into watching Internet “movies” during private time, this could be the most genius thing ever created for you (hence…the title of this blog). If nothing else, you never have to worry about the batteries dying midway through a self-love sesh (which is pretty much the end of the world).

I think the clear solution here is the exact same vibrator that CHARGES via USB, like an iPhone, and then is ready for use, sans computer. I’m on it but until I get them to develop this user-friendly version, I highly recommend picking this baby up and making sure your laptop is handy at all times.

Just bite the bullet.

*Shop online HERE, and if you want to host a Pure Romance party, Annette is your girl. Tell her Kate and I sent you and she may hook you up with a USB special of your own.

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