The Friday 5: Why You Need to See The Great Gatsby

Hallelujah, the BEYOND-HIGHLY-ANTICIPATED Great Gatsby comes out today and it just might be the must-see movie of the year for a number of reasons, five of them being…

1. The fashion. I die. You die. We all die and want to time travel back to the Roaring Twenties and wear those amazing outfits, jewelry, and head pieces. The fashion in this movie just makes everything we wear look freaking stupid. I hate my clothes now.


Courtesy of WhoWhatWear:



2. Leo.
Duh. I’m not a hardcore Leo obsessor, but I do think he’s hot and I ALSO think this is the hottest we will ever see him. The whole mysterious, intelligent, powerful, party-throwing guy is just beyond sexy. And from the previews, I think we’re going to get a soaking-wet-makeout-scene a la The Notebook


3. The rap album.
Er, I mean soundtrack. I kid; it does have some rap jams on it (hello, Jay Z), but it’s a killer mix of badass tunes. I especially love Lana Del Rey’s “Young and Beautiful” (listen on Spotify here), Emeli Sande covering “Crazy In Love,” and Jack White’s “Love is Blindness.” You can find it on iTunes; not on Spotify….yet.

4. The parties. I’ve never been to a bash like the ones in this movie and neither have you because like, they don’t exist (if they ever really did). But at the very least, seeing this movie will get you in the spirit to go out and enjoy a cocktail (or seven) and party like it’s 1922 (except boozing will be legal).


And the last but certainly not least reason to see The Great Gatsby movie is….

5. You actually read the book!

If you haven’t, that’s just embarrassing. I wouldn’t admit that to anyone. And you should also question your so-called “education.”
Now get ye to the theater and feel free to sneak in booze, Prohibition-style. It’s totally allowed for this flick…
