The Friday 5: Reasons to Get Super Excited to Spring Forward!

Let’s be real. “Springing forward” in the time sense effing sucks. You’re out Saturday night having a grand old time thinking you have hours of vodka-drinking and cute-guy-flirting left, then all of a sudden, the lights come on, the cocktail in your hand is your last, and Mr. Hottie McTottie isn’t nearly as attractive anymore (if at all). And that’s when you get the hell outta’ there.

But it does mean that SPRING IS ALMOST HERE (thank the Lawd), which means there is so much to look forward to. Like so…

1. The Dresses! I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am so ready to take my pants off and…

2. You get one more hour of daylight,
which means you’re supposed to listen to Maroon 5’s “Daylight” and look at the picture below and pretend Adam Levine is singing to you.


No, seriously. Just do it.

When else is a full-on textual assault of all the moon cycles and weird clock Emojis semi-appropriate?


4. That spring/summer vacay is finally within reach! You can almost smell the suntan lotion, taste the cabana boys margaritas, and see the Instagram/Facebook pics now…

#Reflection #SoBlessed

#GirlsLoveJumpingPics  #AwkwardWhenYouBarelyGetAnyAir
beach-jump-1195337 #FamilyFirst #KhakisOnTheBeach


5. You’re skinnier than you were over the holidays 
(unless you’re pregnant). And now you have an extra hour of safe, outdoor running/biking/brisk walking/rollerblading to get in even better bikini shape.


Bring it, Daylight Savings Time.
