The Friday 5: Chicago, Here I Come!

I’m heading to Chicago today for SPRING BREAK 2K13, baby!

chicago-weather-5162729Oh. Well maybe not.

But I am traveling to the Windy City for the weekend (do people still call it Chi Town or is that like saying HOTlanta?), and am very excited as I’ve only been once and it was a 24-hour work trip and I didn’t even eat any pizza (FML). Here’s what I’m pumped for:

1. Deep dish (read: fat girl) pizza. Do I even need to say it?
2. Pickles with a hot dog garnish. 
3. The city is so prettyyyyy. Prettier than you, Atlanta. No offense.

4. Oops, how did this get in here? 
5. There’s a Flywheel location (clearly, I’m gonna’ need it) and it looks like…they know how to party.
Maybe this will be like spring break after all (sans sunburn)…

Ok, so obviously, I’m not going to eat ALL weekend (I don’t think…?) and am looking forward to a lot more things (like the W Lakeshore, holla!), but these are just top of appetite mind. I’ll give you a recap of my meals trip when I return.

Have a great weekend, everyone!
