The Friday 5: An Encounter with Ice Cube

Last night, whilst out with the girls at hip Midtown Atlanta watering hole, Proof and Provision, we caught wind that Mr. Ice Cube himself was in our presence – yes, THAT Ice Cube from Friday, Next Friday, I Know What You Did Last Friday, “You Can Do It, Put Your Ass Into It,” and the Academy Award-nominated Are We There Yet?

We sent him a drink and he (amazingly) came over to our table. Here’s proof (and Provision):

And now for the five things.

1. We debated on what to send him. At first we thought Hennessey. Then I suggested a blunt (not that I would know where to get one of those). Finally, we told our server to bring him whatever he was already drinking. And ladies and gents, Mr. Cube was drinking…wait for it…mojitos. With ice. Duh.

2. He was incredibly nice and told us about the movie he’s filming in Atlanta with Kevin Hart called Ride Along. When we asked about the release date (and if we could attend the premiere with him, obvi), he basically told us that how soon it’s released depends on how good it is/how much the production company likes it. Turns out, it’s going to be January 2014. But as Ellen put it so eloquently, “True art takes years to cultivate.”

3. He was totally cool taking a photo with us and the girls swear he said, “Just don’t put it on Facebook.” But I didn’t hear that. So I put it on Facebook. (And hey, while you’re on Facebook…..)

4. Ellen told Mr. Cube that he was in the presence of two famous Atlanta bloggers (ha) – Lauren Kraselsky Cohen of The Quick + Dirty Dirty and myself. Not that it mattered.

5. He’s throwing up a W in the picture. Obviously that can only stand for one thing given the circumstances…

White girls.

But seriously, Today Last Night Was a Good Day Night. Cube was great and it was an awesome celeb experience. Enjoy your FRIDAY, everyone!
