The Best Bachelorette Party Game

There is nothing I love more than a bachelorette party–a bunch of fun girls, NO boyfriends/fiances/husbands to get in the way, lots of booze, and being the center of attention everywhere you go. Seriously…is there anything better?


One of the best games you can play is The Question Game, where you ask the bachelorette’s fiance a series of questions about their relationship prior to the weekend, then you ask her the same questions and see if they match up. Not to toot my own horn (HONK HONK), but I pulled this off in such an epic way for Andrea’s bachelorette in South Beach in 2K10 that I’m known throughout my circle of friends and friends of friends as being the master of this game. For that particular party, I had previously videotaped her fiance answering the questions (which did get a little awkward at times), then played it at the party. We’d play me asking him the question, pause it and let her answer, then play his answer. (I also had him do a cute, little “Hope you’re enjoying your party, love you and miss you, blah blah blah” intro at the beginning–she was so surprised and excited.) I like to play this game in conjunction with the lingerie shower; if the bachelorette’s answer matches up with her fiance’s, she gets to open a present (like this gem). If she’s wrong, she takes a shot. Them’s the rules.


Another creative variation of the game is having the other girls at the party guess the answer before the bride-to-be does. We did this at a bachelorette party this past weekend and it was a lot of fun. However, if there are too many girls and too many questions, you might not finish before the bars close (which would be tragic) so keep that in mind.

When I was asked for my list of question for the 783rd time two weeks ago, I thought, You know what. I may as well share the wealth with all the Witty + Pretty ladies who read this blog. So without further adieu, here’s the list. Have fun playing and let me know if you have any awesome questions to add to it!

  1. How did you meet?
  2. What was your first official date?
  3. First kiss (where/when)?
  4. First I love you (How did it happen, who said it first)?
  5. Where did you “do it” for the first time?
  6. What is your favorite thing about her?
  7. What is her favorite thing about you?
  8. When did you know you were going to marry her?
  9. What do you find most attractive about her/What is your favorite body part of hers?
  10. What does she find most attractive about you?
  11. What would you say was the best sex ever?
  12. What is your favorite position?
  13. What is her favorite position?
  14. What are the most times you’ve ever had sex in one day?
  15. Where is the craziest place you’ve ever had sex?junk-on-hunk-7685947
  16. Have you ever thought you had been “caught in the act”?  Details please.
  17. What is something you do that gets under her skin/irritates her the most?
  18. What does she do that gets under your skin the most?
  19. What was she wearing the first time you met her OR on your first date?
  20. What is your favorite thing she cooks?
  21. What is her favorite thing you cook for her?
  22. What is her worst habit?
  23. What would she say is your worst habit?
  24. When you come home (if you live together) or over to her place, you hope she is ____.
  25. You think she is sexiest when ____.
  26. What is the funniest thing she does or says?
  27. What would she say is the funniest thing you do or say?
  28. Who is her number one celebrity crush?
  29. Who is your number one celebrity crush?
  30. Do you want to have kids? If so, how many?

And check out our favorite engagement mugs/gifts HERE!

Happy bacheloretting!