Let’s be honest. Guys are gross. But girls are might be grosser. The shit girls say when they’re in the unconditional loving comfort of their best friends is facking insane, and if dudes knew the half of it, they would probably never get a boner again. In other words, if you’re a dude and you’re reading this, stop right now and get back to YouPorn. Or watch this.
I asked on social media for girls to send me “those texts you only send a best friend” and got a whole lotta’ doozies (THANK YOU, LADIES), and of course, I pulled some from my own phone (take your guesses, but I’ll never tell…meh, maybe I will).
Presenting: The 6 Types of Texts You Only Send to a Best Friend
1. Poop stuff. Obviously we would never admit to a dude that we “pass gas” or “go number 2,” but our girlfriends know all about that shit (literally). And thank God for the best emoji ever.
2. Weird bodily/vagina/period stuff. I mean, who else are you going to tell? Well maybe your gyno…
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3. Sexts. If you send a girlfriend a sexy pic to approve/critique before sending it to a lucky dude, you are officially BFF status.
4. Pregnancy scares. Enough said.
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4. Psycho/pathetic/obsessive stuff with guys.
When you’re amongst BFFS = #JudgementFreeZone.
5. Sex stuff, duh. Also, “Am I a slut?” stuff.
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6. Fucked up observations/thoughts only your bestie would appreciate. Just for the fun of it, think of saying this stuff in a job interview.
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God, I love you girls. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some emojis to send.
*If you have any amazing BFF texts, feel free to send my way (ashley@witty.gilliansarah.com) as this might need a follow-up….
Follow on Instagram @AshHess!