The 15 Best ’90s Beauty Products: Ranked

I have ’90s nostalgia like nobody’s business and I love to reminisce about the beauty products I was obsessed with back when I had braces, terrible bangs, no idea how to match foundation to my skin, and thought Bath & Body Works was the holy grail of life. Here are a handful of the best #TBT products from the ’90s, ranked.

15. Caboodles. Yes, these beauty organizers were incredible but I never had one, so it’s last on the list out of spite.

14. Designer Imposters U.
 So these “parfums” may have smelled like cheap hookers (not that we know what that smell was back then), but out of all of them, this one was the most acceptable because Calvin Klein, duh.

13. Sun In. This turned my brunette hair a gorgeous shade of orange-blonde before sophomore year in high school, but hey, it looked cool when I applied it on the beach during my family vacay. #Flawless


12. Body glitter.
Nothing like a travel tube so you can feel like Mariah Carey at a moment’s notice.


11. Exclamation perfume.
The best thing about this shitty drugstore musk was the bottle. But it was a awesome bottle, AMIRITE?

10. Dep gel.
I didn’t really know what to do with hair gel back in the day, but I did know I needed this.

Extra cool points if you had TOTALLY HAIR BARBIE (I had Totally Hair Ken, too, no big deal).

9. Hair mascara.
Because we needed to add some blue to that Sun In orange-blonde, what?

8. Salon Selectives. The pink bottle, the unmistakable apple smell, the silky smooth mane after a wash and condition. Those were the glory days. Herbal Essences and their erotic commercials came later.


7. Teen Spirit deodorant. I mean, if it was advertised in YM magazine; was there really any other option? NOPE.

6. Candy Kisses lip balm. I can still taste the watermelon on my sad #NeverBeenKissed lips.

5. Lip Smackers Dr. Pepper. DUH. And for the record, you can still buy this today. HELLO, PARTY FAVOR.

4. Maybelline Kissing Coolers. This is a deep cut, but if you had these artificial tasting gems in the swirly tube, you were pretty much the coolest girl in school. I lost mine, cried, then accused my brother of stealing it. #DevilChild


3. Tommy Girl perfume.
If you were rocking Tommy Girl, you were basically rich AF and plucked straight out of a magazine ad of a bunch of laughing models wearing red, white, and blue and sailing in Nantucket or some shit. It was a lifestyle. My best friend had a Tommy Girl baby tee…and her boyfriend was named Tommy. I’m still totes jeal.


2. Hard Candy nail polish. Did we even know how to paint our nails back then? What was life? I don’t know, but if you didn’t have at least one bottle of this, you were nothing.


1. Bath & Body Works body splash
 (Country Apple, Juniper Breeze, Sun-ripened raspberry, Freesia). Like I said: Holy. Grail.
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Take me back.
