Skincare Straight From the Garden + Have the Softest Hands Ever + FREE Shipping

Guess what? Your skincare products could be making you FAT!

Kidding. But now that I have your attention. We know the skincare and cosmetics industry is seriously slack with regulations, which means companies can put toxic, potentially cancer-causing chemicals in your moisturizer and you rub that nastiness deeeeep into your pores every single day. I know…terrifying. But that’s not to say there aren’t TONS of great products out there and a lot of companies are making strides to make their goods better for you. One of my very favorites and the most natural of the natural-est is Atlanta-based HollyBeth Organics. Read the ingredients–you’ll recognize them all, and the masterful mixtures are designed to give you glowing, gorgeous skin (almond oil, camellia seed oil, carrot, rose, Vitamin E, lavender, etc.).

First up: Hands. There’s nothing more feminine than well-manicured, baby-soft hands. And we all know I’m the expert on being a lady (hello, I did introduce you to bacon condoms!).

Right before you go to bed (after you’ve put on your PJs, taken your birth control, polished off that bottle of wine, sent your last text/sext, etc.), slather on the magical Orange Peppermint Shea Butter Cream ($25) and let it soak in overnight. Your mitts will be silky smooth in the a.m. and after a week or two, you’ll notice a total transformation. I used this all winter and I swear, I had brand new hands (and this is coming from a dry-skinned gal who has tried every cream on the market). I couldn’t believe how soft they were (seriously, what’s in this stuff, HollyBeth–unicorn tears?) This is most definitely my must-have product so I don’t get mistaken for this lady. You can use it all over, too (ahem, ashy elbows).

Next: Face. If your skin is on the drier side, the Camellia Sunflower Face and Neck Elixer ($59) is a dry oil that majorly hydrates, improves texture and brightens skin, but absorbs quickly, leaving no greasy residue. I LOVE using this at night after my cleansing and Opal’ing routine.


The Rose Geranium Toner ($12.50) is a travel must-have. Flying sucks the life out of your skin, so when you land, spritz this on to instantly wake up your mug and give you a dewy glow. And it’s 2 ounces so TSA won’t cop that sh*t.
And lastly: Your hot bod. Want to smell like angels who rolled around in a flower garden? Duh. The Geranium Jasmine Lavender Body Lotion ($37) is heaven in a 8.5-ounce bottle and will have your skin feeling silky smooth with just enough subtle, glorious fragrance.
And the best part (besides the no-cancer factor): FREE shipping for all HollyBeth products through Monday, April 15 (TAX DAY, dun dun dun)! Use code WP at checkout and get your organic goods with no extra charges. All the products are amazing and I’ve used most of them, so if you have questions, feel free to ask away on Facebook, Twitter, or via email (

You glow, girl.
