Share a Bad Dating Story, Win Badass Jewelry

Ladies (and gents, I know you’re out there), Valentine’s Day a.k.a. Singles Awareness Day a.k.a. The Most Excusable Holiday for a Wine + Chocolate Blackout is upon us. In merely eight days, men will propose to their lovely girlfriends in Macaroni Grills across the country holding rings from Kay Jewelers because they saw the commercial during Monday Night Football.

Bless their hearts. (And if anyone witnesses that scene, you best video it and send to me ASAP.)

For the rest of us whose kissses (or lack therof) are not beginning with Kay next week, I have something just as sparkly and a smidge cooler…and I’m GIVING THEM AWAY! These druzy and leather wrap bracelets ($147) by Atlanta jewelry designer extraordinaire Mickey Lynn (worn by celebs like Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Demi Lovato) are must-have accessories for any gal who appreciates the Boho-meets-rocker-meets-glam look (isn’t that all of us?). And in case you didn’t know, druzy stone is rumored to have magical, mate-attracting powers, so whether you’re enticing an already-existing Valentine or trying to find one, this is wristy business you gotta’ get into.

for-druzy-wrap-1670383These gems could be yours…and all you have to do is share your deepest, darkest dating secret.

Kidding(ish). But to enter, you do have to share a bad/funny/mortifying dating or relationship story and I’ll be picking THREE winners (two randomly and one “crowd fave” with my esteemed panel of judges) at 5 p.m. on Monday so the winners will each receive one of the lovely pieces as a Valentine’s gift (and yes, you can choose your color–a first and second choice)!

The rules:
1) Post your story as a comment on this blog (you can be anonymous, but be sure to give me your real email address in case you win). Ideally, stories should be between 40-150 words.
2) Make sure you “like” Witty + Pretty and Mickey Lynn Jewelry on Facebook. It’s a requirement to win!
3) That’s it! It’s as easy as an MTV Teen Mom.

Oh, you want some inspiration? Ok fine.

When I was a sophomore in high school, the senior I was dating ditched me on Valentine’s Day to go to a club with his friends. I ate the entire box of fancy chocolates I had gotten SENT FROM HIS HOMETOWN…in one sitting. And cried.

One of my besties once went on a date with a guy who ordered her a drink at the bar while waiting for a table then left her to pay for it, assumed she had eaten before she came (whaaa?) so ordered dinner for himself then promptly handed the menus back to the server, got his food and scarfed it down without offering her a bite, then asked if she wanted to go back to his place. God, I wish that would have been me….

I once dated a guy who didn’t drink followed by a guy who didn’t have sex. It should come as no surprise that I went running into my ex’s arms right after that.

Can’t wait to hear yours! (Or can I…?)
