I Crashed the Georgia Half-Marathon…..And Took 20 Selfies

When I read this article titled “Half-Marathon Runner Passes Time On Her Run by Taking Selfies With Hot Guys“, I was like, WAIT A MINUTE. Half-marathon? I do those! Selfies? I do those, too! Hot guys? Of course I do those!

And with the Georgia Marathon/Half-Marathon just a few days away, I knew it was fate intervening. I was going to have to selfie for 13.1 miles. I put it out there on social media–“Anyone have an extra bib number so I can follow in this glorious girl’s footsteps (literally)?”

Aaaaand crickets.

So, being the rule breaker I am, I ran it anyway.* And I have to say…while I set out on my selfie journey, I realized just how impressive that chick is, and I want to know her strategy of how she pinpointed all those certified hotties then ran up in front of them and snapped a CLEAR picture whilst in motion!? I mean, one thing that made it easier is that she was in NYC and there are hotter guys in the Northeast so the odds were in her favor. YEAH I SAID IT.

I decided to make my selfie half-marathon more about the experience (mainly because I don’t have her mad skillz).

Behold, the Georgia Half-Marathon in 20 selfies:

1. The ‘Waiting to Start the Race in a Corral You Snuck Into Because You Don’t Have a Bib Number’ Selfie half-marathon-start-selfie-3058080And a #RestingBitchFace behind me.

2. The ‘Just Put My Earphones In and Started Blasting Zedd into my Eardrums’ Selfie


3. The ‘Have to Stop and Take a Picture of the Skyline at Sunrise Because When Else Are You Ever Up This Early’ Selfie

4. The ‘Bored as Fuck Rent-a-Cop’ Selfie

5. The ‘Thank God I Went to the Bathroom Right Before the Race Started Because Those Porta Potties are EW!‘ Selfie

porta-potty-selfie-2142380Also, a ‘Barely a Selfie’ Selfie.

6. The ‘OMG My Friend Is Handing Out Water!!!’ Selfie


7. The ‘This Sweaty Shirtless Dude Is About to Rape My Arm With His Arm’ Selfie naked-guy-selfie-1036727

8. The ‘NFL Cheerleaders are Cheering Just for Me’ Selfie 


9. The ‘Stop and See Your Friends at Atlanta Activewear/Fellow Blogger’ Selfie (thanks for the Advil, @yogainheels)


10. The ‘Mile 8, Should I Just Stop Right Now and Drink?” Selfie

mile-8-hydrate-selfie-2164618Unfortunately, I kept going. FML.

11. The ‘Holy Shit Best Dog Ever/I Might Cry/Beethoven, Is That You?’ Selfie

12. The ‘OMFG There are Two of Them’ Selfie
two-st-bernards-selfie-5362344I can’t even.

13. The ‘Please Rescue Me’ Selfiefireman-selfie-7086692When I was running by, one of the firemen said, “Get that beach body, girl!” And I was all, Shit I am going to the beach in two weeks. Then took off limping sprinting.

14. The ‘Equality/Remember When Everyone Made This Their Facebook Profile Pic?’ Selfie


And speaking of…

15. The ‘Atlanta’s Iconic Street Performer Baton Bob‘ Selfie
baton-bob-selfie-2415463A.K.A. The #BlowTheWhistle Selfie. (And is that necklace Stella & Dot?)

16. The ‘If I Don’t Stop and Stretch/Walk, My Knees Will Literally Break’ Selfiemy-knees-are-breaking-stop-and-stretch-selfie-9834845A.K.A The #ThisIs30 Selfie

17. The ‘This is Too Big For My Mouth’ Selfie snack-selfie-4887645A.K.A The ‘That’s What She Said’ Selfie

18. The ‘Only Hot Guy I Could Snap a Decent Picture Of’ Selfie

19. The ‘Is This Shit Over Yet?’ Selfiethis-shit-is-almost-over-selfie-8196825
20. The Finish Line #LipSyncSelfie

And a special bonus….

The ‘I Parked My Car on the Street in Downtown Atlanta and It Didn’t Get Broken Into’ Selfiemy-car-didnt-broken-into-selfie-1310001
Now THAT is the major win of the day.

If you want to know how I did, I finished in about 2:20 (in my previous half-marathons, I did 2:05 and 2:11). I had plenty of energy, but my knees were screaming at me from mile 7 on (because I didn’t train and I’m 30 now), so I had to take some stretching and walking breaks (and of course, that Advil and near champagne break). Afterward, I crushed brunch at Parish, then laid on the couch, iced my knees, and watched CrazySexyCool: The TLC Story on VH1, which is basically my favorite movie now.

‘Til the next selfie journey…


*And to all the folks who have too much time on their hands and posted ridiculous hate comments below, trolled me on social media, etc,: A) Thanks for the pageviews. B) Here you go. Enjoy.