GIVEAWAY: Flywheel Sports 5-Packs

Get ready, friends. I’m about to profess my undying love.

For a workout, not a guy. (C’mon, you know me better than that.)

If you read this blog, you know how obsessed I am with Flywheel Sports. The Atlanta location opened a little over a year ago and I’ve been going regularly ever since (and mind you, it’s clear across town from my apartment). I truly found the fitness routine that makes me WANT to work out, that I get excited to go to (seriously…even in the morning), and the best part: That has sculpted my bod like I didn’t think possible. Don’t get me wrong: I’m not Gisele (yet) but I’m pleased with the way I look and swimsuit shopping this year didn’t make me want to hang myself in the fitting room with a bikini strap.

You can read ALL about Flywheel in my blog post HERE, but the quick and dirty sweaty is that the indoor cycling is an intense, competitive (only if you want it to be), major calorie-burning workout with amazing instructors, music, AND a brief but challenging arm weight routine for total body training.

We’re all smiles below (I’m in the middle with Atlanta instructors Cara, left, and Kelsey, right) but when you’re in class sprinting at a high resistance, there’s certainly more gritting than grinning.
Disclaimer: Don’t try this with your weights during class…


(This was also after back-to-back wheel + barre for Cara and me. #Sweatfest)

The other component of Flywheel is Flybarre, which is a core-meets-weight-training-meets-cardio-dance class that will totally transform your arms, abs, butt, and legs. When you combine the two workouts, you can truly achieve the physique of your dreams (told y’all I was going to get all lovestruck and cheesy up in here).

Here we are again working on our fitness (yes, Cara and Kelsey teach BOTH cycle and barre because they’re badass b*tches).

Burning off your booty is serious business…


But don’t just take it from me: Take it from the 23482034 friends (ok, maybe a few less than that) who I’ve turned on to Flywheel and are now addicted PLUS all the celebs who frequent the place. I took class with Jake Gyllenhaal (so hot) a few times when he was in Atlanta filming recently and once, he was on the bike directly behind me. Yes, I worked harder and thought about how my ass looked since it was in his face for 45 minutes. No, I didn’t look over my shoulder and wink. (But only because I can’t wink without looking like I’m having a face spasm.)

Now about those giveaways! I have TWO five-packs of classes (value: $160 in NYC/$125 in all other cities) to give away and they can be used for either Flywheel or Flybarre in ANY market (New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Charlotte, Seattle, Philly, Miami/Boca, Dallas, and Plano). To enter, go to the Witty + Pretty Facebook page and SHARE the post about this Flywheel giveaway and tag the Flywheel location you would attend (make sure to tag/link it, not just write the name of the location). Maybe you just want to share it and tag “Flywheel Philadelphia.” Maybe you want to type a little message in your share like, “Can’t wait to see you, Flywheel Los Angeles!” Or maybe you want to write a full-on love confession about Flywheel Atlanta like I have just done and put it on their page for all to see. The contest ends at 5 p.m. on Friday and two winners will be picked at random. Dudes (if any of you are reading), feel free to enter, too!

You’ll want to Fly away.


Note: Your first Flywheel and Flybarre classes are FREE, so if you haven’t tried it yet, there’s your perfect excuse! Create an account in your city and you’ll see one credit for Flywheel you can use to book a class. You won’t see a Flybarre credit, but call or visit the location and tell them it’s your first time and they’ll hook you up. 

Tags: atlanta, celebs, fitness, Flywheel, giveaway, skinny

Category: Fitness & Health