GIVEAWAY: Cases of Kind Bars

I worry that someday it’s going to come out that Kind bars’ nutritional labels are wrong and they really are packed with calories and sugar (Kalteen Bar-style), because I just can’t understand how they are THAT GOOD and still good for you.

It’s safe to say I have a unhealthy healthy obsession with these gems. They’re high on protein, low on sugar (especially the chocolate ones, which is cray), are all natural (there’s some crazy, unpronounceable shit in other “granola bars”), taste delicious, and are convenient. I always have one in my bag so I can avoid a potential hangry outburst at any time. When I see them on sale at Whole Foods, I’m like a psycho scavenger throwing dozens into my basket, including my favorites Dark Chocolate Cherry Cashew, Almond Cashew with Flax (my #1), Nut Delight, Dark Chocolate Nuts and Sea Salt, and of course, Almond and Coconut. Because remember this:


So you can imagine my excitement (read: “I’VE MADE IT!” freakout) when Kind Snacks reached out to me and sent me some boxes of bars, because les-be-honest, they aren’t the cheapest thang on the planet.

I was fresh off my pizza date with a homeless man and still feeling the urge to help those in need (I think that feeling might be here to stay), so I put a box of bars in my car to give to people who asked me for food or money (and some of my greedy good friends). I mean, how can you have an F-ton of Kind bars and NOT do the kind thing?

I gave them to homeless people who approached me, the guy who “helped me” parallel park into a space on Edgewood one night (didn’t need the assistance, but thanks bro), and one man in particular who came up to my car at a busy intersection downtown to give me this flower.

Romance isn’t dead, y’all.

Also, I think that’s the first time I’ve gotten flowers from a dude since like, ’09.

ANYWAY, Kind Snacks is giving away three cases of 36 bars (your choice) AND an awesome water bottle (I have it and love it–it’s sleek, lightweight, and doesn’t make the water taste plastic-y).

To win, leave a comment below stating something kind you have done recently, whether it’s giving food to those less fortunate, saving children’s lives in Africa, opening the door for someone, or teaching your grandma how to use Tinder. What? Remember to leave the “post to Facebook” box checked and the comment must be left by Monday at 10 a.m. I will choose the winners at random next week.

I can’t wait to read these. Happy #FeelGoodFriday!
