Cover Your Pet’s Butthole with Jewels![FINALLY]

Call me crazy, but I have never been personally offended by the site of an animal’s asshole.

However, in 2022 in a world filled with bare human asses breaking the Internet, apparently this is an issue for some people. So praise Jesus for the TWINKLE TUSH, a feline ass-cessory that turns a kitty’s butthole into bling.

Now I know what you’re thinking — “Ew what happens when my sweet little Fluffy takes a shit, do I have to fish this jewel out of the litter box and clean it off?”


Omg I was just kidding, you guys are gross. The TWINKLE TUSH hangs from the tail. But real quick, take a moment and think about what happens when you do anything to (read: lightly touch) a cat’s tail. Exactly, they claw your face off. So this is a genius idea.

But I can see this becoming a status symbol in the elitist cat community. Before you know it, people will be looking at unbedazzled cats like I look at Droid users.

And I know what you dog owners are thinking, “Ohmygod cat people are so weird; dog people would never come up with weird shit like this.”

Think again. Rear Gear butt covers for pups have been selling out on Etsy since ’09.
Naturally their tagline is “No more Mr. Brown Eye.”

Now if only we could figure out a way to cover up those self-proclaimed “fitness models” on Instagram….

Nevermind, I got it.

Bottoms up!
