Face Saving Stocking Stuffers (+ a Major Giveaway)

On the necessity scale of 1 to coffee, cleansing facial wipes are a grande triple nonfat latte (especially when you’re tired/hungover/on-the-go/all of the above). They’re perfect for getting makeup off and cleaning your skin when you just can’t muster the energy for a sink situation — and we all know how important it is to wash your makeup off at night because if not, it sinks into your pores making them larger and you look older, which is a more terrifying visual than Donald Trump on a voter ballot (ok, maybe not that horrific, but scary enough). AND they’re also mucho importante if you work out and are at all acne prone. I’m not typically acne prone, but not washing my face after workouts was giving me zits for a minute there (ENTER: FACIAL WIPES IN EVERY GYM BAG). Not to mention, they’re awesome for traveling because they may be wet but they fly right under the 3 oz. carry-on rule.

Because of my obsession with these beauty must-haves, I’ve tried a ton of brands, but most recently fell head face over heels for Yes To. I’m sure you’ve seen them in Target (AKA heaven) or your local drugstore — Yes To Carrots, Yes To Cucumbers, Yes To Blueberries, you get the gist.
They use the superpowers of superfoods to offer a variety of beauty remedies, from soothing dry skin to exfoliating and brightening to fighting blemishes. The products are always at least 95% natural, free of parabens, phthalates, and SLS, and made with recyclable materials And at $6ish for 25 wipes, they’re not breaking anybody’s bank.
So that’s the good news, but here’s the better news: I’m giving away a whole MESS of these things. Five lucky winners will win a big-ass variety pack of Yes To wipes. Stuff ’em in everybody’s stocking and call it a day? I mean, I wouldn’t be mad at that. Or just give them all to yourself (you earned it!).

I will be selecting three winners in the comments below. Just leave a comment stating why you need these wipes (or um, call out someone who needs them more). And I’ll be giving away the other two packages on Instagram so check @AshHess for the post. I’ll choose winners EOD Friday (December 11).

Wipe away, lovers!
