Check Out These Pits: An Inside Look at Laser Hair Removal

Hey laaadies! If you love to shave, raise your hand in the air!

That’s what I thought. Not an armpit in sight.

I recently completed my last session at WIFH (Atlanta’s finest laser hair removal institute) and will barely ever have to shave my underarms again! No stubble, no five o’clock shadow, just baby smooth pits for the rest of my life. Stay Sinless followed me to the scene of the treatment and we chatted with the guru himself, Dr. Kulkin, then got down to biz. Check out the process above (and me attempting to smile through gritted teeth):

We covered a few facts in the video, but one thing anyone considering laser hair removal should know is the “tan issue.” It’s best to get the treatments when you don’t have any color as the laser is drawn to pigmentation and you could end up with red spots–they fade within days, but you’ll still get better results when you’re not rocking a bronze bod, which your doc can explain in more detail if you’re considering the process.For WIFH prices (which are pretty standard for a high-quality place), click here.

And per my BFF who just wrapped up her bikini-area treatments at Panzer Dermatology (a top-notch spot in Delaware): If you get your lady business lasered, you’re going to need a cocktail (or five) first.

As if we needed an excuse to drink.


And speaking of cocktailing, make sure to check out Sinless Cocktails and the Stay Sinless blog for more beauty, boozing, health, and fitness awesomeness.