What Do Portion Sizes Really Look Like? (Plus, How to Control Them)

When I’m at a Mexican restaurant eating chips and salsa, guac, and/or queso (usually all three), there is no such thing as portion control. Instead, I exercise Cantina Control and only go to Mexi restos when I’m okay with a binge-fest because it’s always inevitable.  But that’s just me. As for who CAN control herself, … Read more

Probably the Best Promo Video Ever…PERIOD.

Let’s talk about tampon/pad commercials. They’re lame. About as lame as getting your period on the first day of vacay. Or the night you decide to sleep with your new dude for the first time (WHY, GOD WHY?!). Anyway. It’s like, HELLO, what a golden opportunity for advertisers to make funny ads for women (because … Read more

Are You Working Your Abs the Right (and Tight) Way?

You got your ass up for the gym (or skipped happy hour for it), are dropping dough to be there, and killin’ it in your fly performance gear. So why screw yourself (and your bod) when it comes to the actual workout? Our fitness expert Cara Weaver demonstrates the do and don’ts when it comes … Read more

So I’m Doing a 5-Day Juice Cleanse (Help!)

I’m four hours into my five-day juice cleanse and already fantasizing about Kind bars. (Don’t worry, I think the burger/pizza/red velvet cake fantasies start during Day 3.) Lord help me. Why am I doing this, you ask? Well, why not? I figure it never hurts to pump your body full of healthy goodness, and more … Read more

Superfood Alert: Eat Your Tomatoes

Sure, tomatoes make beautiful dishes, add color to any salad, and provide solid Instagram #foodporn, BUT they also: Are very low-calorie and have dietary fiber (1 medium tomato = 22 cals, 5 g carbohydrates, 1.5 g fiber!). Protect against breast, colon, lung, skin, and prostate cancers. Are bone healthy and ESPECIALLY heart healthy! Regulate blood … Read more

New Music Alert: The White Panda’s “Bearly Legal” Album!

Everyone is always looking for new workout and/or pre-game and/or party tunes; am I right? For example, a friend posted on Facebook the other day: “Need song suggestions for my new workout CD!” But wait…CD? Is she finding songs on Napster and burning them onto an actual compact disc? Does she bring a Discman to … Read more

The Heart Rate Monitor: What, When, How, and Why You Need One

Do you shy away from heart rate monitors because you’re not sure how to use one? Is it the chest strap or bulky, ugly watch that turns you off?  Are you confusing it with a pacemaker and don’t think you need one for at least another 40 years? (NEWSFLASH: They’re very different.) For me, it … Read more

5-Day Juice Cleanse: The Hardest Part is Behind Us (Right?)

Halfway through Day 2 and I’m still alive and have not started hallucinating yet OR eyeing Dewey’s food with envy. In fact, I’m actually feeling pretty good (and I hear Days 3-5 are even better). BUT, I want a cup of coffee so badly that I had to put my Keurig in my coat/costume closet … Read more