How I Handle “Haters”

First of all, I don’t love the word haters. It’s gotten so overused by obnoxious-ass people who actually suck at life but think everyone is just jealous of them. Am I right? But sometimes it really is the best word to use, especially when people are actually using hateful language. When I first started blogging, … Read more

8 Reasons We STILL Watch The Bachelor

What I’m about to admit is something I’m not proud of…but I know I’m not the only one. Wait for it. I HAVE BEEN WATCHING THE BACHELOR FOR 11 YEARS. Sweet Jesus of Nazareth. I haven’t even been drinking (legally) for 11 years. But yet here I am, 30 years old, getting excited about Juanuary. … Read more

The Best Beauty Products of Last Year

What a year it’s been. Miley Cyrus thought she was going to end 2022 as the most talked and tweeted-about female singer, then Beyonce blindsided us and snatched up the honor in the 11th hour (suck on that, Miley). Selfies literally took over the entire Internet. The president built the worst website of all time … Read more

This Is How To Flirt (According to Science)

Hey girls. If you think spending four hours on your hair, makeup, and picking out a slutty sexy outfit, then standing in a bar/club with resting bitch face and sipping a fancy martini is going to attract Prince Charming, you’re doing it wrong. (For the record, you may attract Prince Douchebag. He is definitely not … Read more

The Real Letter from Nick to Andi on The Bachelorette LEAKED

If you are a normal person, then you have no idea what happened on The Bachelorette this season because you have much better things to do with your life like succeed.  Therefore, let me recap for you because I have no life and believe in love. A bunch of dudes went on a terrible show … Read more

Can We Chill With the Inspirational Quotes Already?

Look I get it; inspirational quotes are meant to inspire. For example: You are having the worst day ever. You just got dumped/divorced, lost your job, your dog died, and you found out you have herpes. Then you get on Facebook, see a quote about keeping your head up through the rain while you work … Read more

Watch People FREAK OUT on the CDC’s Facebook; Lose Faith in Humanity

A friend posted this on Facebook last night and I followed his instructions immediately: 1) Go to the CDC’s FB page  2) Read their post about Ebola 3) Read the comments  4) Laugh hysterically at people freaking out  5) ….pause for a moment 6) Cry yourself to sleep when you realize how many morons there … Read more

Everything You Want to Know About Comedian Iliza Schlesinger

Well maybe not EVERYTHING, but these 10 random questions come pretty close to uncovering all of Iliza Shlesinger’s deepest secrets, regrets, and freaky fetishes (hint: bacon). You may know the on-the-rise comedian from her widespread bit about girls night/girls hating each other, which I couldn’t relate to because I love my girlfriends more than nachos … Read more

PRIMPin’ Products of the Week: Bardot Beauty

Hello again, friends! Hayden from Pretty in my Pocket (PRIMP) here bringing you, as promised, another weekly dose of beauty must-haves from our lady-lovin’ app. This week, our favorite products were inspired by one of the ultimate, jaw-dropping beauty icons, Brigitte Bardot. Between the bold lashes, flawless face, and gap-toothed, pouty smile, it’s safe to say that … Read more

10 Ways to Break a Funk and #GetYourSwagBack

Let me open up to you guys for a sec. (Don’t worry; I’m not going to cry.) Working for yourself is undeniably awesome in a lot of ways and it was the number one thing I wanted in my career: The freedom, no asshole bosses, vacations when you want, working in pajamas (or nothing at … Read more