Painless Hair Removal [Top 10 Tips for 2022]


Remember the tears in my eyes during my first bikini wax? It absolutely has gotten better over time, but let’s be real–you’re ripping hair out of your skin in a sensitive area, so (some sort of) pain is a given, ESPECIALLY if you’re going Brazilian. I consulted two of Atlanta’s top hair removal experts, Myka … Read more

Happy Hour

I have so passionately despised the Atlanta cab system for the entire eight years (omg, I’m old) that I’ve lived in this city. Not only are they the most expensive cabs in the country (besides like, Hawaii or something), but for the most part, the cab drivers are rude, corrupt a-holes. To know me is … Read more

Nail Trend: Feathers (Like, Actual Ones)

Ladies, how many of you have you been on a date or cuddled up on the couch with your beau and thought, You know what would be really hot right now? If I tickled his face with a feather…that’s hanging off my nail.   No one? Oh. Well you better get used to the idea … Read more

Most Effective Deodorant and Anti-Perspirant Options for 2022


Let’s talk about sweaty pits. No one wants ‘em, but we all have to deal with ‘em. Hayden from Pretty In My Pocket fills us in on the BEST products on the market, whether you need clinical treatment for your underarms, prefer all-natural sweat protection, or just want your pits to smell rich. But first, … Read more

Skinny Food ALERT: Lose Weight + Get Healthier

Bold statement in 3…2… Chuice will change your life. Let me explain. This amazingness in a bottle helped me lose those pesky seven pounds that wouldn’t drop, has given me more energy, improved my skin and hair (as in, my stylist asked what the eff I had been doing differently), and has made meal planning … Read more

The 10 Worst Things New and Expecting Moms Post On Facebook

New moms on Facebook. The phrase alone can strike fear into the hearts of childless Internet users everywhere. They fill up your newsfeed with their belly selfies and updates (Guess what?! Little Tyler is the size of an avocado today!!!!!) and 7203810974523753 baby pics daily, and at times, they seem to have lost all regard … Read more

Sexy Stuff

Some guys are down for a fancy schmancy dinner on Valentine’s Day (*cough* amateur night), complete with him picking you up, roses in hand, and ending the night with both of you too sleepy from the booze and full from the “love themed menu” to even get freaknasty. But, NEWSFLASH: Most guys aren’t. The thing … Read more

GIVEAWAY: Flywheel Sports 5-Packs

Get ready, friends. I’m about to profess my undying love. For a workout, not a guy. (C’mon, you know me better than that.) If you read this blog, you know how obsessed I am with Flywheel Sports. The Atlanta location opened a little over a year ago and I’ve been going regularly ever since (and … Read more

New Obsession: Newton Running Shoes

I have worn the same style of Nike running shoe since 2008 (seriously, I think I’ve gone through 11 pairs), so it was a big step (no pun intended) to try something new. But I’ve been hearing about and seeing Newtons amongst the Atlanta fitness crowd (plus Flywheel founder Ruth swears by them), so last … Read more

The Friday 15 Gift Guide: Funny Books for Everyone on Your List

If you’re visiting this site, that (probably) means you know how to read, and many of the people on your holiday gift list know how to read as well. So… WHY NOT GET THEM BOOKS!? I’m not a genius, you guys. Just a simple gal who likes a nice, hilarious, offensive coffee table book as … Read more