The Best New Year’s Eve Party in the Universe Ever

Whatup, party people? It’s still Gift Guide Week, but I’m taking a quick break from lip gloss, suitcase speakers, and flask bangles to let you know about The World’s Greatest Most Fantastic Super Duper Anti-hotel New Year’s Eve Gala Extravaganza in the Universe. Ever. Part IV. That’s actually the name of the party. Let me just … Read more

The Most Bizarre “Beauty” Trend You’ll See This Decade: Bagel Heads

First of all, I don’t even feel comfortable calling this a “beauty” trend because it literally makes me avert my eyes and dry heave. Let’s just call it a WTFF (what the f*ck) trend. It deserves the extra F. So this WTFF trend popular amongst crazy  folk hipsters in Japan involves getting a saline injection in the forehead … Read more

A Club Monaco Obsession + You Have to Have These Pants

The fashion Gods must have been smiling on me because I was chosen, along with four fab, local bloggers, to celebrate the re-opening of the Club Monaco store in Lenox Square (newly renovated = drop dead gorgeous) with a swanky little soiree. See, you guys? I can be classy. From left: Cath of Asian Cajuns, … Read more

The 8 Best Beauty Products for Traveling

I love traveling in the summer because I can pack way too many clothes and shoes and it all still fits in my carry-on. In the winter, you pack one sweater and two pairs of boots and have to spend half your vacay booze budget to check your monstrosity of a suitcase. But when you … Read more

The Most Perfect Sequin Maxi Dress Of All Time

Last week, I fell in love at first sight. For you naysayers who say that’s not a real thing–you’re not shopping at the right places. I feel head over heels the second I saw this sequin maxi dress at Calypso St. Barth (big mistake going in there in the first place). And when I tried … Read more

Is Pregnant Kim K. the New Pregnant J. Simp?

Kim Kardashian and Jessica Simpson are very beautiful ladies, but WHY are they SO EFFING LARGE whilst pregnant?! I get that they’re short, but I’ve known many pint-size women who did not turn into sumo wrestlers when they were knocked up. There is the issue of Kim’s curvy figure (read: big ass), but like, the kid is … Read more

The Friday 5: Chicago, Here I Come!

I’m heading to Chicago today for SPRING BREAK 2K13, baby! Oh. Well maybe not. But I am traveling to the Windy City for the weekend (do people still call it Chi Town or is that like saying HOTlanta?), and am very excited as I’ve only been once and it was a 24-hour work trip and … Read more

The Friday Final 4: A Girls Guide to the Games

The NCAA Final Four is in my home city of ATLANTA this weekend, so even though my alma mater Clemson isn’t in the tourney (ha, like that would happen), it’s still really exciting. Oh, and I went to a Conan taping yesterday and it was a basketball-themed show so it got me even more pumped. … Read more

5 New Fall Fragrances + What They Say About You

Take a deep breath through your nose (because no one likes a mouth breather). Can you smell that? No, I’m not talking about your vanilla desk candle (which is lovely, btw), remnants of your pumpkin spice latte, or your co-worker’s leftovers in the microwave (which hopefully isn’t any sort of fish product, for your sake). … Read more

Thinking About Boston

Another day, another horrifying tragedy. My immediate reaction (and I’m sure that of others) when I heard the news of the Boston Marathon explosion was “Is anyone dead?!” I thought, I’m sure there are injuries and tons of terrified and traumatized people, but please God, don’t let more lives be lost in another senseless act.  … Read more