Things I’ve Learned About Living in NYC: Month 1


In case you missed my 87-minute long Facebook Live announcement or haven’t perused my Instagram (read: dog and pizza gallery) in a while, I moved from Atlanta to THE BIG APPLE. And no, I don’t actually call it that because I’m not your dad or a midday talk show host (unfortunately). I moved to New … Read more

Trump’s Comey Letter as a Breakup Letter


When I heard about our dictator President firing the person investigating him, then citing the absence of an investigation in the termination letter, my mind couldn’t help but draw breakup parallels. Can you imagine dumping someone because you were scared they might find out you’d been cheating…..and then when you dumped them, making sure to double … Read more

How to Do Miami Like an Adult


In a past life (read: up until 2015), Miami was a destination for some of my wildest times. One summer, we literally woke up like this: (For the record, that’s a patio…and a Bebe dress…and me drunkenly defying gravity. And my best friend next to me is married with a kid on the way.) But … Read more

How to Eat (and Instagram) Your Way Through Aruba


Exactly one week before I was asked to go on a press trip to Aruba, I was going through a bit of a rough patch in my personal life and literally said to myself, “I need to go on a trip — like, an out-of-the-country trip.” AND VOILA, I got the invite! I felt very … Read more

A Toothbrush for “Aggressive Brushers”

My name is Ashley and I’m a recovering aggressive teeth brusher. This should come as no shock as I’m an aggressive driver, aggressive shopper, aggressive coffee drinker, aggressive Emoji user, aggressive Flywheeler…I mean, the list goes on and on. I’m really serious about my teeth (floss daily, have been using Tom’s toothpaste my ENTIRE LIFE) … Read more

The 5 Best and Worst Things About the Holiday Season

Joy to the world! Merry Christmas! God rest ye’ merry gentlemen (and women)! This is the post that I guest blogged on The Pumpkin Spot (yes, awesome editor Becky let me spew my nonsense on her lovely site, which you should check out), so I figured I may as well post it up here, too. … Read more

The Rapid Spray Tan: Shower and Be Ready To Go 3 Hours Later

You know the dilemma white girl problem: You have an important date/event/lingerie photo shoot within the next 12 hours and just realized you look like a member of the Cullen family…except you don’t have their disgustingly perfect looks to pull it off (no offense). If only there was a spray tan you could get and shower … Read more

The Best Leggings for No Camel Toe


First of all, to anyone who says “leggings aren’t pants,” you can stop reading right now and go F yourself. Sorry that was harsh, but those a-holes deserve it. We all know TIGHTS are not pants (which your mama should have learned ya’ by age 6), but leggings are a beautiful thing–they’re comfortable, versatile, HAVE … Read more

How to Sleep On Your Hair (and Preserve a Blowout)

No one likes waking up with wild, nappy, tangled bed head. Well, unless you’re really hungover because then it makes for a hilarious Snapchat. (Okay, so I don’t use Snapchat, but I assume that’s what it’s for.) I used to be hesitant to sleep with my hair up, but now (after consulting numerous experts to … Read more

Pastry Porn + How to Make Pretty Party Punch

When I told people I was co-hosting a baby shower, they either A) Laughed, B) Held back laughter, or C) Just looked confused. Well guess what, you guys, some of my besties are knocked up, and while I know my talents lie in bachelorette, sex toy, and holiday party planning, I can still contribute to … Read more