What Your Starbucks Order Says About You

By Kacie Lett Double shot, non-fat, extra whip, flat white, Mocha Chocalata ya ya. This is for the women standing beside me, amidst the throngs of caffeine aficionados at our neighborhood Starbucks, Caribou, or corner café. You know, just as I do, your coffee order says as much about you as your clothes, your man, … Read more

Castor Oil: Your New Ticket to Long Lashes

Confession: When I got my eyelash extensions removed after a year and a half, I rushed to my waxing studio to have brow whisperer Raquel work her magic so my eye area wouldn’t feel quite so unpretty (RIP Left Eye). But it was while she shaped and shaded that she told me to use castor oil for … Read more

17 Food Instagrams That Are Trying to Ruin Your Life

Instagram is a truly majestical corner of the Internet. I mean, where else IN THE WORLD can you find narcissistic selfies combined with inspirational quotes, gluten-free recipes (omg!!!!), boring baby pics (and the occasional #NoFilter sonogram!), glorious ’90s #TBTs, fashion bloggers’ daily outfits (because you care), LOL-worthy memes and videos, pictures of feet in the sand … Read more

6 Ways to Step Up Your Coffee Game

What would life be without coffee? I LITERALLY CAN’T EVEN imagine. (If you’re not a coffee drinker, feel free to skip over this article but PS, HOW THE FUCK DO YOU FUNCTION ON A DAILY BASIS?) I’m always looking for ways to spice up my coffee routine at home so I don’t spend $238742974 a … Read more

Can We Stop the Huge Group Birthday Dinners Already?

Somewhere along the lineage of American history, white girls people thought it would be a good idea to celebrate their birthdays in restaurants with literally everyone they knew in order to feel popular and validated and make innocent servers want to blow their brains out. And listen, I’ve been guilty of this — I remember … Read more

What Would Really Happen If We Got Drunk at Target

You may still be recovering from the news bomb last week about TARGET SERVING ALCOHOL. For those of you I’m breaking this information to, stop hyperventilating and put down your car keys because you can’t just head to your local Target and get wine drunk right now, ok? It’s only in the very beginning stages … Read more

The Real Reasons Girls Are Always Late

Girls are notorious for being late. And no I don’t mean ALL girls so you punctual bitches can refrain from being offended and/or typing out a comment detailing your punctuality and how it’s equated to your superior success so all of us late assholes can feel like loser pieces of shit. Because we already feel … Read more

What If Guys Did Boudoir Photo Shoots?

After one of my best friends did a SEXY AF boudoir photo shoot before her wedding, a few of us got to chatting about this rite of passage (would I do one? UM, DUH). And after a few gallons glasses of wine, we had a thought: What if men did these? Cue the uncontrollable laughter … Read more

It’s Officially the Summer of the Bro Float

Remember when this was an acceptable pool float? LOL Showing up to a pool party with one of those busted yoga mats these days is like a dude breaking out a Samsung flip phone to get a girl’s number. Sure it can be endearing (ish?), but bottom line: NOPE. Just like mobile phones, workout classes, … Read more

All the Things You Can’t Do If You’re Anti-Hillary

There’s a cute little political movement happening amongst Trump-supporters/Anti-Hillary-crazies this week that has fully amused me and a lot of my (intelligent) friends: BOYCOTT STARBUCKS BECAUSE THEY SUPPORT HILLARY!!! I originally saw this OUTRAGE from one of my Facebook friends and decided to smear a steaming pile of sarcasm on the otherwise supportive comment thread (my since-deleted … Read more