The Beauty Treatment Made for Lips and Lines

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Restylane® Lyft and Restylane® Silk. However, the thoughts and opinion are my own. While I’m obsessed with my anti-aging products and regimes, I have not hopped on the injection train quite yet. But that’s not to say that I haven’t been collecting knowledge, tips, and doctor reccs for when … Read more

Face Saving Stocking Stuffers (+ a Major Giveaway)

On the necessity scale of 1 to coffee, cleansing facial wipes are a grande triple nonfat latte (especially when you’re tired/hungover/on-the-go/all of the above). They’re perfect for getting makeup off and cleaning your skin when you just can’t muster the energy for a sink situation — and we all know how important it is to … Read more

An Entire Year of Basic Bros

The basic bitch is so 2014 (seriously Internet, stop with the listicles) but the basic bro lives on! He is confident, he is #blessed, he is fit (or at least embraces his #DadBod), he is handsome (enough), and most of all, he is social media savvy! The basic bro knows Valencia isn’t just a city … Read more

Is Hillary Clinton a Basic Bitch?

Funny story: A few months ago at a comedy show, the headliner asked “Do we have any Hillary fans in the house?” And someone called out, “Duff?” Me: (spits vodka out) Whut. No girl (bless your heart), not Hillary Duff. Hillary CLINTON, potentially the next LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD. The presidential candidate who claims to … Read more

Let’s Talk About Lash Extensions

What if there was a beauty trick that made you look and feel pretty even when you’re bloated, hungover, sleep-deprived, and pale AF (because #WinterIsComing)? And I don’t mean wearing a Beyoncé mask. (PS, do they make those?) I’m talking about lash extensions, which I truly believe is the #1 beauty splurge every woman should … Read more

What Guys Really Think is Sexy (and Not Sexy)

Since the beginning of time Beyonce, ladies want to be sexy for their men. But what if they don’t know how? Sure, you could read articles in Cosmo titled “What Guys Really Think Is Sexy” but Cosmo is written for 14-year-olds, and instead of asking real, dateable guys, they probably just asked a few nerd interns … Read more

The 6 Worst Places to Propose Ever

Guess what, lovers? Engagement season is well under way and there’s nothing you can do to stop half of your Facebook friends from posting about how they’re so #blessed to be marrying their best friends and TV from showing the stupidest commercials of all time. But fellas, if you’re planning to pop the question, please consider the … Read more

14 Guys Honestly Describe Their “Perfect” Valentine’s Day

Maybe it’s because it’s on a Saturday, maybe it’s because social media gets more out of control every year minute, or maybe it’s because I did an 8-minute TV segment on it (in which I got called out for my Tindering), but Valentine’s Day is on steroids AF this year. Not to mention I just … Read more

7 Times You Should “Say What You Wanna Say”

Well Anastasia Steele hosted SNL on Saturday night (sans being whipped and handcuffed…I think?) and while I haven’t watched the whole thing yet (GET IT TOGETHER, ON DEMAND), I saw this one sketch and wanted to yell “YAAAASSSSS” from my balcony. But I settled for giggling on my couch. Too many times women hold back … Read more

Are You Dating a Man…or a Manchild?

Dating can be cool (I guess?) but it can also be worse than ISIS, Bill Cosby, and the McRib combined. I went on a first date a few weeks ago and was counting the seconds until the painful interview ended and I could get home to clip my toenails because that would have been about 2937492347 … Read more