My Most Traumatic Halloween Costume Ever

I love Halloween. Like, really really (add 12 more reallys) love it. When you were little, it was an excuse to get dressed up, get attention, act silly with your friends, and eat candy until you passed out. Now it’s an excuse to get dressed up, get attention, act silly with your friends, and drink … Read more

The A List: Limoncello, a Beachy Bar, and Rockin’ in the Park

How the FACK is it mid-summer? I feel like Snowpocalypse was just like, last week. This has potential to be the best summer ever because: 1) It’s cooler than hot-as-balls years past, but hasn’t rained every day like last year (the WORST). 2) Killer restaurants (and more importantly, patios) continue to open and lure us in. … Read more

An Open Letter to Sam Smith (From a Straight Male)

Dear Sam, I hope this letter finds you well. I have come to the conclusion that…well…I have a male-to-male appreciation for you. Fuck it, a Man Crush. You see Sam, it appears that every female on Planet Earth (and possibly Venus) is in love with you and your songs instead of me. You have stolen … Read more

You’ll Be Drunk in Love With This Beach Cocktail

There are few things in life I love more than vodka, coconut, and the beach. Actually, maybe zero things. So when I discovered Pinnacle’s coconut vodka on my way TO THE BEACH, I flipped the F*CK out. After the liquor store employees tranquilized me and I recovered, I got my alcoholic creative juices flowing and … Read more

This Weekend = Watermelon

It’s Labor Day weekend but it feels like St. Patrick’s Day was yesterday (WTF). It’s time to squeeze in all the things you planned on doing this summer but didn’t get around to like traveling the world and getting six-pack abs. What? Or just (attempt to) get a tan and eat seasonal foods. Which brings me to … Read more

The A List: New Restaurants, Beauty Specials, and Balls

Peace up, A-town down, shawty! What? Sorry. I got excited because it’s been a minute since my last A List and I can’t wait to share some things going down in our glorious city from food to beauty to BALLS. Now that I have your attention… Bring Me Back Something French Krog Street Market, Ponce … Read more

Phone Hack for When You Can’t Get a Signal

We’ve all been there–at a music festival, football game, Beyonce concert, porn convention, etc. and because there are LITERALLY A BILLION PEOPLE all trying to text/Facebook/Snapchat/Tinder at the same time, your phone shits the bed. Well actually it’s the provider/signal shitting the bed, but you know you’re blaming your phone like, “OMG I like, can’t … Read more

10 Things to Get Really Excited About this Fall (and NOT PSLs)

Yeah yeah yeah, spring and summer are legit, but let’s be honest—fall is the best season because dudes have NFL, NCAA, and fantasy football, and chicks have EVERYTHING WE LIVE FOR. Am I wearing leggings and UGG slippers as I type this? I mean, does Obama drink lattes? Here are ten reasons to raise a glass … Read more

And This Is How You Emoji Snapchat

I remember the moment I saw an enlarged Emoji on Snapchat. It was last Tuesday night; I sat up straight in bed and knew my life was changed forever. This are few things I love more in this world than Emojis and when they’re larger than life, I LITERALLY CAN’T EVEN. The number one reason … Read more