Selfie Pics Are Out. #LipSyncSelfie Videos Are the Future.

Remember back when selfies were cool? Well NOT ANYMORE, you social media lovers and losers. Selfies are the new LOL (no offense, Mom), and these days, you’re only cool on Facebook/Instagram/Christian Mingle if you do a #LipSyncSelfie video. Says who? Says REALITY SHOW SUPERSTAR Tribble Reese. That’s right. The same stud muffin who basically invented … Read more

My Late-Night Date With a Homeless Man

I was leaving Atlanta’s “swankiest and sexiest” nightlife establishment, Privé, on Saturday night (obviously I was leaving; that place is awful) when I was approached by a homeless man, who asked me for money to buy food at the nearby Publix. I had an Uber car two seconds away and no cash on me (shocker), … Read more

Everything You Want to Know About Lash Extensions

What if there was a beauty trick that made you look and feel pretty even when you’re bloated, hungover, sleep-deprived, and winter white? And I don’t mean wearing a Beyonce mask. (PS, do they make those?) I’m talking about lash extensions, which I truly believe is the #1 beauty splurge every woman should try at … Read more

5 Natural Remedies If Your Period Makes You Want to Die

By guest blogger Kelley Hagen I’ve had horrific periods since puberty hit. Like, fetal-position-nausea-cramping-migraines-for-three-days kind of periods that made me want to kill myself. I seriously would’ve lost less blood from a gun shot wound, and I suffered through this torture month after month for 17 years because I was unwilling to take pharmaceuticals to … Read more

The 10 Best Striptease Songs + a Full Sexytime Playlist

Let’s be honest: Valentine’s Day is really kinda’ dumb. But maybe that’s just because I’m single. Actually, no. If I had a boyfriend, I would suggest we not celebrate the Hallmark holiday by getting wine drunk, eating pizza, and watching Superbad on the couch naked. What? But whether you’re executing a kinky evening complete with … Read more

Why It’s Awesome to Be a Total Loser on the Weekend

This weekend, I did not have one drink. And no, I was not in jail, rehab, or a dry county. I did not go out, put makeup on, wear anything without an elastic waistband, and barely interacted with people. And I loved it. What…a loser. Mind you, I had my weekend on Wednesday with the … Read more

I Crashed the Georgia Half-Marathon…..And Took 20 Selfies

When I read this article titled “Half-Marathon Runner Passes Time On Her Run by Taking Selfies With Hot Guys“, I was like, WAIT A MINUTE. Half-marathon? I do those! Selfies? I do those, too! Hot guys? Of course I do those! And with the Georgia Marathon/Half-Marathon just a few days away, I knew it was fate … Read more

Final Words From the SELFIE BANDIT

What…..a week it’s been. It’s moments like these when you realize just how much time people have on their hands. I received a smidge (read: gargantuan shit ton) of backlash from my post about “crashing the Georgia Half-Marathon” in which people called me a “bandit” (hilarious term, btw) and treated me like I just blew up … Read more

3 Smooth Crooners to Listen to RIGHT. NOW.

In a day when an obnoxious girl talking about #selfies over EDM constitutes as music and that painful song from Frozen plays on the radio 3 billion times a day (seriously, my ears bleed), it’s refreshing to discover new, talented artists and quality tunes. Here are three smooth dudes you need to get up in … Read more

The 5 Best/Worst April Fool’s Pranks Ever

Oh, April Fool’s. We have a love-hate relationship because my mom used to get me EVERY YEAR when I was a kid. I remember her waking me up at the tender age of oh, 7, and convincing me my hair had turned green overnight. Full blown tears before I could get to a mirror. But … Read more