Sure, tomatoes make beautiful dishes, add color to any salad, and provide solid Instagram #foodporn, BUT they also:
- Are very low-calorie and have dietary fiber (1 medium tomato = 22 cals, 5 g carbohydrates, 1.5 g fiber!).
- Protect against breast, colon, lung, skin, and prostate cancers.
- Are bone healthy and ESPECIALLY heart healthy!
- Regulate blood fat levels.
- Have antihistamines that fight allergies (like Zyrtec but cheaper and healthier!).
Add some slices to your breakfast…
Or try a tomato and avocado salad with basil and balsamic vinegar:
Any salad plate is a great home for the heart-healthy food:
Or just bite into the thing like it’s an apple (a tomato a day can also keep the doctor away).
If you want some nutritional jargon and to find out more info about this superfood, my go-to source is
And lastly, because I know it’s been keeping you up at night…Is the tomato a fruit or vegetable!?
Drumroll please…
The tomato is the fruit of the plant Lycopersicon esculentum. Botanically speaking, tomato is not only a fruit, but also a berry since it is formed from a single ovary. Mind = blown. (However, in the culinary world, it is considered a veggie.)
Here’s to seeing red!