7 Moments That Prove Amy Schumer is the Voice of Our Generation

Unless you live in a cave with no Internet or sense of humor, you are well aware that comedian/actress Amy Schumer is killing it lately, from her show and all its viral clips to her social antics to her acceptance speech at the 2015 Glamour Women of the Year Awards earlier this month where she addressed body image, not giving a fuck what people think, and double standards in the most hilarious and empowering way. Check it out and some of the other amazingness she’s been spewing out.

1. Glamour Women of the Year Awards acceptance speech

“I’m probably like, 160 pounds right now, and I can catch a dick whenever I want.” #NailedIt

2. 12 Angry Men Inside Amy Schumer

In a brilliant spoof on the movie, an all-male jury argues over Amy’s fate on TV. You can see this jewel OnDemand or purchase online as it was an entire episode. Here’s a teaser clip about a dildo, duh.

3. The Trial of Bill Cosby

Amy defends America’s most beloved raper (too far?), in another genius sketch, complete with jury pudding pops.

4. Purposely tripping in front of Kimye on the red carpet


And her perfect explanation on The Graham Norton Show. My favorite part: “They were just standing there…being short and important.”

5. “Girl, You Don’t Need Makeup” 

Amy embraces her inner beauty (kinda’) with a boy band. (Is that One Direction, btw? Never can tell…)

6. Just the (big) tip 

Our generous girl crush left a 1,000% tip ($500 on $49) for a waiter who was working two jobs to put himself through school. Do you feel that, y’all? It’s a glimmer of hope for humanity.

7. Trainwreck comes out

What is primed to be the favorite movie of females this summer (and maybe ever) comes out July 17 and I couldn’t be more aroused excited. I may or may not have teared up when I saw the trailer for the first time.

Amy Schumer is a trailblazer, a comedic genius, a badass actress, and she stands as a role model for success, equality, and self-confidence without being preachy. She gives zero fucks and doesn’t apologize for who she is.

All hail Queen Amy (sorry Bey).
