Drugstore Love: Revlon’s Lip Butters


I mainly shop Sephora, Woo, and Bloomie’s for my makeup (go ahead, call me a snob), but that’s not to say there aren’t great products on the drugstore shelves, and when I find ’em, I want to spread the budget beauty gospel!

Guest blogger Hayden mentioned Revlon’s Lip Butters ($6) in a recent post, and maybe it was just the name, but they intrigued me, so when I rushed into CVS recently for some emergency stain remover (don’t ask), I headed over to the Revlon section (I guess I wasn’t in that much of a rush). I spotted them, and after some serious deliberating (apparently I’d forgotten about my emergency), chose the Raspberry Pie hue. I was prepared for it to give me smooth, subtle color.

I was headed somewhere in a rush (as always), so I put it on like lip gloss sans mirror, then was literally shocked when I finally caught a glimpse of myself.

These sly smoothies look like glosses…but act like lipsticks! They’re like that sneaky guy who makes you think you’re casually dating, then all of a sudden introduces you as his girlfriend and you’re all, “WTF, DUDE!?”…..but then you kinda’ like it.

And I am certainly liking these.
revlon4-3849250They go on easy, give you GREAT color, stay put for a while, and feel smooth the whole time they’re on your lips.

(Kinda’ like that guy…)
