I Worked Out Before Sunrise…and I Liked It.

I’m a certified night owl. I’ve always been able to stay up into the wee hours and function on minimal sleep, but as of late, I’ve fallen into a pattern of working really late at night when there are no email/G-chat/social media/text distractions and hitting the sack around 2-3 a.m. (or later, ugh). I’ll still make it to Flywheel classes at 9:30 a.m., but NO EARLIER. The thought of a 6 or 7 a.m. sweat sesh gives me anxiety.

Until today.

A Flywheel-obsessed (girl)friend of a friend was in town from Charlotte, reached out to me about Atlanta’s Flywheel, and I said I’d love to join her for a class. She chose the 7 a.m. class, and I was like, “Oh. Thanks, girl.” But Cara was teaching and I figured it was about time to check “crack of dawn workout” off the ol’ bucket list, so I signed up (gulp).

My alarm went off at 5:50 a.m. (#FML), I reluctantly rolled out of bed, stumbled around getting my clothes on (no really, I actually tripped over my dog), made a cup of coffee with my eyes half-closed, and drove across town in the pitch-black, rainy morning. Although, I did make record time because there were about six cars on the road in the entire city.

I got there (still in the dark and still half-asleep) and Cara had to drag my ass in.
img_9672-902x1024-7633096But once I got on the bike and the lights went down while the music went up, I was able to totally get in the zone and “win” the class.
img_9675-1024x685-3404492Who…would have thought?

It felt amazing to be done with an intense workout by 7:45 in the morning. And of course you know what that means–the “afterburn” effect of interval cardio, where your body burns calories quicker for the rest of the day. SCORE.
img_9678-1024x982-4643735I’m not saying I plan on making this an everyday thing, but I truly did enjoy it and it’s made my Monday much more productive than usual (Coincidence? I think not). If you can barely stomach the thought of an early a.m. workout, just try it ONCE. Have the coffee pot ready for brewing, make sure your phone/alarm clock is across the room so you have to get out of bed, and if you can, plan on meeting someone so you’re accountable.

You might just surprise yourself…
