We’re Going Streaking! (Ish)

Guess what, guys. Atlanta doesn’t have an ocean (SHOCKER), so instead of the Polar Bear Plunge, we have the Santa Speedo Run. It’s not really THAT cold outside, you don’t jump in the water, and you don’t even have to strip down if you don’t want to.

I know. We’re pussies.

But I digress. This Saturday, December 14, is the Santa Speedo Run and the beneficiary is my most beloved nonprofit: Kate’s Club. Before I get to the part where I tell you how my girlfriends and I are running half-naked through the streets (wait, what?), let me get serious for a moment about Kate’s Club.

This incredible nonprofit supports and empowers children who have lost or parent or sibling. Did you know 1 in 20 children will lose one or both parents by the age of 18? Because I didn’t, and that’s a sad, staggering statistic, especially to hear around the holidays. I have not experienced this loss, but I have so many friends (including my best friend in the world) who have lost parents or siblings at a young age, and I just can’t imagine what it would be like to go through childhood (or adulthood!) without people who can relate helping you cope. And it goes without saying that founder Kate Atwood (who lost her mother to breast cancer at age 12) is truly an inspiration.

And Kate herself will be leading the Santa Speedo Run with her reindeerettes (there’s seven of us) in tow. Considering this is a grueling 20-mile run and we have to pull a 500-pound sleigh, we did some intense training this week at Chaos Conditioning.
img_3219-8365556Just kidding, it’s a 1.5 mile fun run. And no sleigh. (But we are trying to find some bells to wear.)

If you’re in Atlanta, I hope you’ll come out the festivities on Saturday afternoon (full details on the site), and even if you can’t, please consider supporting our team (link HERE). We have a goal of $2,500 and have not met it yet. (Awwwwkward.) If we reach our goal, I’m running in a brown leotard and antlers with a spray tan. If we DON’T reach our goal, I’m running in a brown leotard and antlers WITHOUT a spray tan, and trust me–ain’t nobody wanna’ see that. If we SURPASS our goal, I’ll tie mistletoe to my antlers and start making out with randoms at the finish line (is that allowed?).

Here’s hoping this guy is running again because nothing turns me on more than a flip phone.
Also on the team: Our health and fitness expert Cara (so come check out her six pack), Lillian (remember that lovely lady?), and Kate #2 (one of my besties, and we will both 100% be hungover from a holiday party the night before).

If you hate fitness and supporting the kids, still come out and ogle all the half-naked guys and gals. Perv.

Now Dasher, now Dancer, now Hungover Prancer! Wish us luck!
