Flywheel Will Change Your Body…and Your Life

I’ve been procrastinating on writing about Flywheel Sports because I’m so beyond obsessed with it that I don’t know if I can fully express its amazingness in a blog entry. But I’ll try. And before I begin, know that there are Flywheel locations in Atlanta, New York, Boca and Miami Beach, Charlotte, Chicago, and Seattle, with more locations coming soon. Oh, and Dubai. In case, um, you’re heading there.

Prior to my first visit to Flywheel, I thought two things: 1) I’m a runner. That’s my thing. I’ll try this class once or twice, but probably won’t make a habit out of it. 2) The most important aspect of a gym for me is location; I’m not going to travel more than 5-10 minutes to work out anywhere on the reg.

Well…I lied. Running annoys me now (I still do it sometimes) and I travel 20-40 minutes (depending on traffic) to Flywheel in Buckhead 3-4 times a week.  I mean…who am I?


Oh. There I am.

When you get fitter than you’ve ever been in your life, slip easily into your jeans from high school (oh yes, I kept a pair), and one of your best friends says to you, “This is the way I pictured you looking at your wedding,” it’s worth it. I realize that may sound conceited (another reason I was hesitant to write about this), but I need to express Flywheel’s results on my life…and how else am I going to do it?

Also, whether I ever actually have a wedding is up for debate.

There are two classes at Flywheel: Flywheel (indoor cycling) and Flybarre. The two together will literally transform your body.

Here’s why Flywheel is the best + different than the rest:

1) The classes are only 45 minutes so they fly by (see what I did there?) and you can burn up to 1,000 calories (when I first started, I was burning an estimated 700ish calories and now it’s usually around 900).

2) You get fancy cycling shoes that clip into the pedals when you arrive. Ever tried to maneuver your regular sneakers into pedals at other indoor cycling classes? It’s not pretty. The studio itself is also pretty fancy (ice-cold water machine, complimentary towels, nice showers, and hair ties and bobby pins in the bathroom).

3) The room is dark so you’re basically forced to get “in the zone.” And there’s stadium seating with the instructor front and center so no matter how tall (or big the ass of) the person in front of you, there’s never an obstructed view.

4) The music is badass and each song is perfectly matched to what you’re doing on the bike (hill, sprint, slow climb). Sure, every instructor has different tastes, but songs are Flywheel-pre-approved so you’re not going to get a playlist of death metal and country. Last night, Dani played a mashup of “Call Me Maybe” and “Some Nights.” I almost died.

5) The bikes display your resistance and RPMs so you always know where you’re supposed to be. Ever been in a spinning class with no numbers on the bikes and the instructor says, “Bring the resistance to 70 percent,” and you’re all, “I have no idea what the eff 70 percent is”? Yeah…no thanks. Also, there’s a “Torq Board” which shows everyone in the class and how they’re doing so you’re competing the whole time. Don’t freak out—you don’t have to participate in the Torq Board, but it definitely makes you work harder when your stats are up on a screen for all to see (I mean, who wants to get last place?). Even more high-tech: All your stats from every class are kept online so you can track your progress and see your calories burned, distance cycled, etc.

6) The instructors are incredible, motivating, energetic, super-fit, and happy to be there. All. The. Time. You may want to kill them during class, but you’ll want to hug them after (which I don’t really recommend unless you’re trying to break a world record for Sweatiest Hug Ever).

7) In every class, there’s an arm workout for one song…and it’s tough. No more walking out of spinning class feeling like your legs can kick someone’s ass but your arms haven’t done thing.

Here’s the skinny (literally) on Flybarre:

1) In their words, “It combines the disciplines of yoga, dance, circuit training, pilates, and strength building with the Flywheel touch.”

2) You use light weights, a small exercise ball, a stretchy band, and the ballet barre to completely exhaust your muscles using lots of little pulses so they get toned and lean. Pure Barre has nothing on this class.

flybarre-2-6422358 3) You’ll see and feel quick results in your arms, abs, and thighs. The butt takes a little longer, but when you start seeing results there (and you will), you’ll want to jump up and scream (and go buy new jeans).

4) Again, awesome music. Every exercise/muscle group worked is to the length of one song. FYI: There are three songs in a row for thighs and you will want to punch someone by the third one. But then you get a stretching break.

5) You will have total girl crushes on the instructors (at least the ones in Atlanta) and will also want their bodies….which you can achieve if you do Flybarre on the reg. Duh.

Flywheel is one of the sweatiest, most intense cardio workouts you can do—when I do it on a Monday, I feel like I completely erase the boozing and eating from the weekend (and just pray I don’t throw up in class). When you add Flybarre to the mix, it’s a total life changer. Do the two back-to-back (I’ve done it twice) and feel like Marisa Miller‘s body double when you leave.

Now, I realize not every workout is for everyone and you might hate Flywheel (if so, we probably can’t be friends), but I encourage you to give it a try. One thing I love that Flywheel does is the “Fly With Friends” program, where new members can sign up using a link of the person who recommended it to them and that person gets a credit toward their membership. Of course, I would love if you signed up using my link ( But what’s in it for you?

A gift, duh. If you sign up for Flywheel using my link and end up spending $50, I’ll send you a new product from my ever-growing beauty closet—maybe some my fave, colorful hair ties, lip gloss, bronzer, Bliss Spa goodies, nail polish, body scrub, etc. It’ll be something legit, I promise. Dudes, if you’re reading this–I have good stuff for you, too. Just send me a message (use the mail icon on the right side of the homepage) with your address and it will be on the way! And if I get enough referrals, I just might have to convince them to let me host a free class for my new workout buddies.

I believe you can fly.
