A Legit Reason to Take an Outfit Selfie…

Three things pertaining to this blog entry:

1. I love J Brand jeans. They boost your butt and make your legs look skinny even if it’s in the middle of holiday season and you’ve been skipping the squats to crush cookies and eggnog. Therefore, they are more magical than Santa himself.

2. I’m not one to take #OOTD selfies (that’s “outfit of the day,” for you non-Internet folk) because most days I’m in workout clothes (whether I’m working out or not) with zero makeup on. And also, I’m not a narcissist. Oh don’t get offended. I know some of you fashion bloggers need to take outfit selfies because you don’t have a husband/boyfriend/bodyguard you can pay/convince to take photos of you, so you get a pass. I guess. But still…every day? Who has the time and/or energy to get dolled up every day for Instagram? Whatever, I don’t have 8 gajillion followers so maybe I’m doing something wrong. Sorry, I digress.

3. South Moon Under is my favorite store on the planet.

So right now, South Moon is doing 20% off ALL DENIM online through Sunday, October 26–I’m talking Citizens, Joe’s, J Brand, Blank, Hudson, Bongo, AG, etc.

Kidding about Bongo. Just seeing if you’re awake.

ALSO you can win a pair of J Brand jeans by posting a pic (does NOT have to be a selfie) in your J Brands on Instagram, hashtagging #InMyJBrands and tagging @southmoonunder and @jbrandjeans. Easy peasy. Don’t have a pair of J Brands (HENCE why you want to win a pair)? I don’t know, um…borrow a friend’s? Go to a boutique that sells them and sneak a #FittingRoomSelfie? Use Photoshop? Put on your Bongos and lie? This contest lasts through this Thursday, October 23 and there will be five winners. PSST, there aren’t that many posts yet, so the odds are in your favor.

I just got the best pair of J Brands from South Moon and had me a little mirror selfie photo shoot Saturday night after boozing all day (you’re allowed to be a closet narcissist when you’re on vodka, duh). Head on over to my Instagram @AshHess to check out that disaster, and post your own so you can win. Plus I want to see how you look in those jeans (so does Ginuwine).


*In top photo, top and gold chainz also from South Moon Under.