The Rapid Spray Tan: Shower and Be Ready To Go 3 Hours Later

You know the dilemma white girl problem: You have an important date/event/lingerie photo shoot within the next 12 hours and just realized you look like a member of the Cullen family…except you don’t have their disgustingly perfect looks to pull it off (no offense). If only there was a spray tan you could get and shower within a few hours but still keep the bronze glow…

Well hark the angels…there is.

Lots of salons are now offering a rapid spray tan solution so you can shower and be on your way (sans pungent skin) in just a few hours. I tried this at (where else but) Raw Bronzing Studio (Atlanta) and LOVED the results.


A few need-to-knows about this too-good-to-be-true tan:

It goes on heavier, darker, and thicker than a normal tan (see tan line photo to your right). You’re actually going to look like you just got sprayed (heavily) and feel a tad stickier than normal, so keep that in mind for whatever you have planned for the next few hours. In other words, don’t even think about getting frisky with a fella…unless you guys have some weird spray tan fetish (in which case, I’d like to know more).

2. You can rinse off with a quick shower in TWO to FOUR hours! Now, when you get out, you may notice some trickly pools of bronze (for lack of a better description) on your bod. Don’t be alarmed–they aren’t going to make you splotchy/darker in some places. Just lightly towel-dry off and/or blend those areas into your skin with your hand.

3. Voila! You have a perfect glow and are ready to go. But still treat this like your normal tan, meaning some color could possibly come off on light-colored sheets until you shower one more time (and don’t forget the rules of spray tanning and hooking up).

4. It’s a tad pricier ($45 at Raw compared to the regular $35 tan), but when you’re desperate, it’s a small price to pay, right?


5. For me (and some other ladies I’ve spoken to), the color lasted a day or two longer than a regular tan. And for that…I’m a rapid bronze believer.

—>That’s me right after the tan (keep in mind, the day before I was basically middle-of-December-pale). Do I like posting pics of me on this blog in my bikini (holding a solo cup)? Absolutely…not. But when we’re talking about spray tans (and body hair, for that matter),  it’s the most effective way to get my point across.

To infinity and be bronze!


*Psst, for the month of September, Raw Bronzing Studio is offering $25 regular spray tans (sorry, not the rapid)! Book online or call during business hours (Tues.-Thurs., 11-8; Fri. & Sat., 11-9; Sat., 11-5).