Juice Cleanse Journal: I Cheated

I have a confession.

Yesterday…on day 4 of the 5-day juice cleanse…I cheated.
1017272_10101072488321728_1936640174_n-6712439I had to come clean to my partner in juicing crime…



You guys, when the coffee was brewing and the smell hit my nostrils, I really did feel like my 19-year-old self getting into a bar with my fake ID and catching that first intoxicating whiff of stale beer and bad decisions. And it did give me the jolt I needed to get through all my work. I would say it won’t happen again, but I already committed to a lady date later today…at a coffee shop.

Once a cheater, always a cheater.

Stay tuned for the FINAL recap of our juice cleanse on Monday. Will we drink tonight? Make your predictions now…


For the prior juicy journal entries, click HERE, HERE, and HERE.