Instagram is a truly majestical corner of the Internet. I mean, where else IN THE WORLD can you find narcissistic selfies combined with inspirational quotes, gluten-free recipes (omg!!!!), boring baby pics (and the occasional #NoFilter sonogram!), glorious ’90s #TBTs, fashion bloggers’ daily outfits (because you care), LOL-worthy memes and videos, pictures of feet in the sand (#TooBlessedToBeStressed), and creepy dudes DM’ing “fitness models”? What…a hodgepodge of American dreams. Not to mention dudes acting like basic bitches and dads acting like fashion bloggers (see also: #shameless plugs). I do love Instagram and it’s slowly becoming my life/career, but if I’m being honest, I only came here for 2 reasons…the puppies and the food.
I’m not ashamed to admit I follow more puppy and food accounts than is probably normal, and I wouldn’t have it any other way even when I’m laying in bed, stomach growing from eating a lame salad for dinner (#BikiniSeason) and I stumble across a picture of cheeseburger French fry pizza nachos on my iPhone 6+ screen (#humblebrag) then have to get out of bed to make a snack (most likely involving peanut butter and a spoon) before I literally die. That being said, take a look at 17 #FoodPorn Instagram accounts that are trying to ruin your diet/life. Hope it’s your #CheatDay.
1. @EatNowPlayLater
Um I’m sorry but how can you NOT eat this bacon egg avocado cheesy AF bagel sandwich for your next meal?
2. @IceCreamKing
That pint of fat-free sugar-free froyo you were going to #TreatYoself with tonight is looking like a real piece of shit now, isn’t it?
3. @The_Daily_Bite_
Yes this. ALL OF THIS.
4. @HungryBetches
I dreamed about this breakfast before I even knew it existed. OK ATLANTA TIME TO GET ON THE AVOCADO TOAST TRAIN, GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER. That donut tho…
5. @DCFoodPorn
Mac ‘n’ cheese nachos and peanut butter and jelly pancakes, brb I’m moving to DC k thx bye.
6. @New_Fork_City
I take that back, I’m moving to NYC and gaining 89349287498374 pounds. #WorthIt
7. @PizzaAndChampagne
Do you guys think this is gluten-free or nah?
8. @TheNaughtyFork
I don’t know even what the actual fuck is happening in these two photos, but I just had an orgasm. What?
9. @FatGirlHedonist
Fact: I never don’t want nachos, ever.
10. @Chow_Down_NYC
Another fact: I would gladly live inside that burrata ball.
11. @ImShtuffed
Ok this isn’t even fair.
12. @CheatDayEats
Bout that low-carb life tho.
13. @TheOriginalFoodies
When people say “slice of heaven” this is literally what they’re talking about.
14. @FiftyShadesOfFoods
I would 100% rather eat these two things than have weird sex with Christian Grey. #AvocadosOverBros
15. @TheVulgarChef
Droolworthy/drunk food, profanity on fleek, and sexual innuendos make the most hilarious/offensive food account around.
16. @AustinMyMouth
The best tacos on the planet live in Austin. Also, where TF can I get a Georgia waffle?
17. @CookieDoNYC Enough said.
This is what swimsuit coverups were made for.
Ashley (follow on Instagram @AshHess)