10 Things to Get Really Excited About this Fall (and NOT PSLs)

Yeah yeah yeah, spring and summer are legit, but let’s be honest—fall is the best season because dudes have NFL, NCAA, and fantasy football, and chicks have EVERYTHING WE LIVE FOR. Am I wearing leggings and UGG slippers as I type this? I mean, does Obama drink lattes?

Here are ten reasons to raise a glass this fall. And I’ll be raising a snifter of Pinnacle vodka, because even though my membership in the #PinnacleCocktailClub is sadly coming to an end, I still have a stash to last me through 2015. Also snifter is the best word ever.

1. Fall TV. HOMELAND COMES BACK OCTOBER 5 AND I’M FREAKING THE FACK OUT. Sorry for yelling. So there’s that (STILL FREAKING OUT), plus The Voice with new hosts Pharrell (too bad he sold his lucky hat) and Gwen Stefani (Real Life #BadBitchBarbie), and The Walking Dead, which we’re due for a killer season. Pun intended. I’m also excited for newbies like Black-ish (solid name), and How to Get Away With Murder starring the incredible Viola Davis (both on ABC).

2. Football.
If you love football and/or tailgating, it’s a joyous time for you, unless your team sucks, in which case just keep posting about it on Facebook and maybe they’ll get better. Speaking of, football season provides endless entertainment as dudes who basically stay silent on social media for eight months of the year suddenly come out of the woodwork with exclamations, expletives, and grammatical mistakes so fierce you would think they were on the team.


3. Halloween. Oh, this majestical holiday. Not only do you get to witness basic betches trying to out-skank each other in microscopic costumes and the basic bros that love them, but it’s also the perfect time to get tricked into hooking up with someone below your standards because they’ll be in costume. Wait, maybe that’s not a good thing. Also, please ridicule anyone dressed up as the Ice Bucket Challenge (bless their hearts).

4. Starbucks Holiday Cups (read: instant mood lifters for office blues) supposedly drop on November 4, so everyone will finally shut up about the PSLs. Plus, Y’ALL KNOW THE PEPPERMINT MOCHA IS BETTER. #GetOnBoard
starbucks-4557971Photo from foodspotting.com

5. Cocktails, cocktails, cocktails.
Tailgates, bonfires, cozy gatherings, camping trips, Halloween, holiday parties, random Tuesday mornings—they all call for booze. Obviously I love Pinnacle and all its glorious flavors for an endless array of options, but I especially love this doozy of a drank…

Trey and I tried a version of this in NYC with Godiva liqueur and it satisfied my love for drinking my dessert.


6. No more #blessed beach/vacay pics for (at least) a little while. Most humblebraggers have retired their hot dog legs until they go on that trip to Cabo in the dead of winter and post a pic with their feet in the sand and cocktail in hand captioned “How’s your office today?” while you eat soup in your cubicle. Good God, that was depressing.

October 3. That is all. Let’s all take a moment and pray it lives up to the book.

8. Badass new music.
Guess who’s putting out a new album? Mutha freakin’ PRINCE, y’all. Wait back up, I meant TWO ALBUMS because Mr. Purple Rain goes HAM or goes home. Also, a new one from the Foo Fighters (Sonic Highways) in November, and one I’m especially excited about—Jessie Ware’s Tough Love on October 21 (if you haven’t heard “Say You Love Me,” stop what you’re doing and get emotional listen right now).

9. Book club.
If you dig funny female authors, this fall is for you. Lena Dunham’s “Not That Kind of Girl” comes out next week, and Amy Poehler’s “Yes Please” (!!!!) drops November 6. Um, YES PLEASE.

10. Sweatpants, yoga pants, hoodies, UGGs, everything comfortable,
and staying in on a Friday night and watching movies OnDemand and eating cheese and hummus and drinking alcohol. What? You heard me. tumblr_inline_mqvd9pzi3q1qz4rgp-1184638
If you have a boyfriend who will do this with you on occasion and embrace your sweatpants and love for hummus and cheese, MARRY HIM IMMEDIATELY. I’m so serious.

Cheers to fall, lovers.



Pinnacle Vodka shakes things up with unexpected experiences and delightful discoveries. Explore with other fun flavors at pinnaclevodka.com. Also, check us out at facebook.com/pinnaclevodkas and twitter.com/PinnacleVodka or find more fun entertaining and drink ideas on our Pinterest page at pinterest.com/pinnaclevodka/.  

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